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digital print pattern

Digital Printing Addresses Quality Needs and Environmental Concerns

The textile printing market is rapidly going digital and is receiving great attention. Because this is a world in high demand for digital printing, printing can also become pictures of local Chinese producers, and the number is not large. In addition, digital printing can greatly increase water consumption, so many companies use digital printing technology to recycle digital Printing Technology.

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Factors affecting ink and color

Textile digital printing is developing rapidly in China, many textile digital printing machine manufacturers are transformed from the advertising industry, but textile printing is very different from advertising printing, machine manufacturers lack printing and dyeing technology, and many machines are difficult to sell. The ink of digital printing is different from dyes, and there are more factors affecting the quality of textile digital fabrics than traditional printing, which will also bring difficulties to the promotion of ink.

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Printing industry being digitized?

A digital printing equipment company first of all to understand is to do what kind of products, and then determine the process, and then select the printhead, and then according to the process and the characteristics of the printhead design and manufacturing equipment, after 50,000-100,000 meters of actual production tests, so that the equipment is the digital printing equipment to withstand the scrutiny.

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digital design pattern

Classical pattern design and printing

Today there is a growing call for localised design. When we develop patterns, we can be internationally competitive if we can adapt traditional elements with classical culture and artistic connotations, combine them with modern aesthetics to create a new Chinese style, and combine them with digital printing techniques. The article uses the example of the pattern used in the Goblet Festival to illustrate how to grasp the characteristics of digital printing and summarise the design methods to provide a reference for the development of local culture in the design of clothing fabric patterns.

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Color evaluation of thermal transfer printing

As people’s material living standards continue to improve, the pursuit of a comfortable and elegant home environment has become a fashion. The increasing diversity and individuality of home decoration requires more colourful decorative fabrics, and heat transfer printing products can meet this demand. The introduction of printing to the textile industry has played a very important role. Heat transfer printing is an extension of printing technology in the textile industry. The uneven surface of the fabric, with its numerous pores, makes it difficult to achieve a high level of detail compared to paper printing. Heat transfer printing is therefore a process whereby ink is printed on paper and the fabric is then subjected to a certain temperature and pressure and the dye on the paper is pressurised, heated and sublimated to transfer the pattern from the paper to the fabric. This is a revolutionary change in the textile industry, reducing costs, saving energy and achieving a green, low-carbon production process.

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Việc sử dụng in kỹ thuật số

Bài báo này giới thiệu sơ lược về cấu tạo cơ bản, cách sử dụng và bảo trì máy in kỹ thuật số, nguyên lý in kỹ thuật số, phương pháp xử lý ảnh, lựa chọn bột in và yêu cầu chuẩn bị vải, lựa chọn quy trình in, công nghệ vận hành của máy in kỹ thuật số. in ấn và phương pháp xử lý vải sau in. Giới thiệu quy trình in trên vải cotton, lụa, nylon và polyester.

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digital. print

Pattern printing on polyester/acetate

A disperse anti-dye dispersion printing process was developed using disperse dyestuffs that have the same dyeing performance on polyester and acetate to address the problems of poor deep dyeing and poorly defined printed edges on new polyester microfiber/acetate shaped fabrics. The preferred conditions for the dyestuff, paste, anti-dyeing agent and soaping agent in the printing process prescription were analysed and precautions for the operation of the process were suggested. The results show that the pattern printed by this process has a high degree of fineness and a clear outline, and meets the customer’s requirements.

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The production practice introduces the pre and post treatment process, the pattern processing technology and the hardware and software operation technology of the printer for the development of silk fabrics with reactive ink digital printers.

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The use of printing and dyeing in design

By applying printing dyeing is applied to the design of garment fabrics, not only can the distinctive personality of the garment be fully displayed, but also can give the garment fabrics a deeper artistic technical connotation. Nowadays, garment fabric design and garment design have been more and more closely combined, and various kinds of fabric treatment techniques countless

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Đăng ký để nhận 《Hướng dẫn vẽ thời trang hàng đầu》

Hướng dẫn này thu thập tất cả các loại mẫu vẽ thời trang theo ghi chép lịch sử 200 năm, bất kể bằng chữ viết tay hay đồ họa máy tính