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How Different Twisting Levels Affect Yarn Quality

The degree of twisting of the yarn affects not only the appearance of the yarn such as diameter and luster, but also the inner quality and feel of the yarn such as strength, elasticity and elongation. Therefore, it is particularly important to determine the degree of yarn twisting in the textile process.

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Common problems with prints and solutions

This article is a list of some of the production anomalies and solutions in the factory during the paste printing process, such as why are the patterns blurred? Why does the paste stick to your hands? If you are also in the printed fabric industry, then why not take a look together?

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Guidance of Fabric Printing Process

An ordinary piece of clothing needs to be different. The printing process is the key. With a variety of prints on an otherwise ordinary fabric, the style and the look of the garment takes on a completely different feel.

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vải in axetat

What is the triacetate?

it looks like silk at first glance, with its own delicate pearlescent sheen, but it’s better cared for than silk and is fresher and more comfortable to wear.With a recommendation like that, you’ll be able to guess this summer-ready fabrictriacetate.

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spinning processes

13 spinning processes

In this post, you will know 13 spinning processes as below:13 spinning processes,Ring-spun yarns in the hinterland,Spun yarn without flick,Self-spinning yarn in the hinterland,Centrifugal spinning in the hinterland,Spinning with cap spindles,Spinning with spindles,Free end spinning in the hinterland,ir-flow spun yarns in the hinterland,Static spun yarns in the hinterland,Vortex Spinning,Air-jet spinning in the hinterland,Friction spinning in the hinterland,Dust cage spinning.

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synthetic fibres

Classification and introduction of 12 synthetic fibres

Synthetic fibres are chemical fibres made from synthetic, linear polymers of suitable molecular weight and soluble (or fusible) properties, which are spun and shaped and post-treated. In contrast to natural and man-made fibres, the production of synthetic fibres is not restricted by natural conditions. In addition to the general superior performance of chemical fibres, such as high strength, light weight, easy to wash and dry, good elasticity, not afraid of mould and moth, etc., different varieties of synthetic fibres have certain unique properties.

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in kỹ thuật số

Cải thiện khả năng in khăn lau ướt và khô Các yếu tố chính

Người dùng hiện đang yêu cầu ngày càng nhiều hơn từ in trực tiếp kỹ thuật số, bao gồm tính linh hoạt, khả năng chống ma sát và độ bền màu cao. Mức độ phai màu của in trực tiếp kỹ thuật số khi chịu tác động của các yếu tố bên ngoài (ép, cọ xát, giặt, mưa, phơi nhiễm, ngâm tẩm, v.v.) như độ bền màu tốt, khiến vải ít bị mất màu trong quá trình sử dụng.

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