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digital print pattern

Цифровая печать отвечает потребностям качества и экологическим проблемам

The textile printing market is rapidly going digital and is receiving great attention. Because this is a world in high demand for digital printing, printing can also become pictures of local Chinese producers, and the number is not large. In addition, digital printing can greatly increase water consumption, so many companies use digital printing technology to recycle digital Printing Technology.

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цифровая печать

Факторы, влияющие на чернила и цвет

Textile digital printing is developing rapidly in China, many textile digital printing machine manufacturers are transformed from the advertising industry, but textile printing is very different from advertising printing, machine manufacturers lack printing and dyeing technology, and many machines are difficult to sell. The ink of digital printing is different from dyes, and there are more factors affecting the quality of textile digital fabrics than traditional printing, which will also bring difficulties to the promotion of ink.

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цифровая печать

Полиграфическую отрасль переводят в цифровую форму?

A digital printing equipment company first of all to understand is to do what kind of products, and then determine the process, and then select the printhead, and then according to the process and the characteristics of the printhead design and manufacturing equipment, after 50,000-100,000 meters of actual production tests, so that the equipment is the digital printing equipment to withstand the scrutiny.

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шаблон цифрового дизайна

Классический дизайн и печать узоров

Сегодня растет потребность в локализованном дизайне. Разрабатывая узоры, мы можем быть конкурентоспособными на международном уровне, если сможем адаптировать традиционные элементы с классической культурой и художественным подтекстом, объединить их с современной эстетикой для создания нового китайского стиля и объединить их с методами цифровой печати. В статье используется пример узора, использованного на Фестивале кубков, чтобы проиллюстрировать, как понять характеристики цифровой печати, и обобщить методы дизайна, чтобы обеспечить ориентир для развития местной культуры при разработке выкроек ткани для одежды.

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цифровая печать

Оценка цвета термотрансферной печати

As people’s material living standards continue to improve, the pursuit of a comfortable and elegant home environment has become a fashion. The increasing diversity and individuality of home decoration requires more colourful decorative fabrics, and heat transfer printing products can meet this demand. The introduction of printing to the textile industry has played a very important role. Heat transfer printing is an extension of printing technology in the textile industry. The uneven surface of the fabric, with its numerous pores, makes it difficult to achieve a high level of detail compared to paper printing. Heat transfer printing is therefore a process whereby ink is printed on paper and the fabric is then subjected to a certain temperature and pressure and the dye on the paper is pressurised, heated and sublimated to transfer the pattern from the paper to the fabric. This is a revolutionary change in the textile industry, reducing costs, saving energy and achieving a green, low-carbon production process.

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цифровая печать

Использование цифровой печати.

This paper briefly introduces the basic structure, use and maintenance of digital printing machine, the principle of digital printing, the method of image processing, the selection of printing paste and the preparation requirements of fabric, the selection of printing process, the operation technology of printing, and the post-treatment method of fabric after printing. The printing process for cotton, silk, nylon and polyester fabrics is introduced.

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digital. print

Печать рисунков на полиэстере/ацетате

A disperse anti-dye dispersion printing process was developed using disperse dyestuffs that have the same dyeing performance on polyester and acetate to address the problems of poor deep dyeing and poorly defined printed edges on new polyester microfiber/acetate shaped fabrics. The preferred conditions for the dyestuff, paste, anti-dyeing agent and soaping agent in the printing process prescription were analysed and precautions for the operation of the process were suggested. The results show that the pattern printed by this process has a high degree of fineness and a clear outline, and meets the customer’s requirements.

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цифровая печать

Использование печати и крашения в дизайне

Применяя печатное крашение к дизайну швейных тканей, можно не только полностью раскрыть отличительную индивидуальность одежды, но также придать тканям одежды более глубокий художественный технический оттенок. В настоящее время дизайн швейной ткани и дизайн одежды все более тесно сочетаются, и различные методы обработки ткани бесчисленны.

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