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Fabric has always been a frequently used material in the material arsenal of clothing designers. However, the use of fabrics for clothing is extremely lacking in product design. In recent years in 3C digital products, fabrics combined with plastic materials have started to appear, often used to create a warm, comfortable design language that is very popular with consumers.

Запутанные типы переработанных волокон

Recycled fibres are essentially man-made fibres, which are spinnable fibres with different functions and properties obtained through different process treatment methods. The earth’s resources are divided into organic and inorganic matter, organic matter including all living things such as animals and plants, and inorganic matter including metals, minerals, polymers, etc.

Базовые знания римской ткани.

Roman cloth is four-way a cycle, the cloth surface is not ordinary double-sided cloth flat, slightly slight and not too regular horizontal stripes. Fabric horizontal and vertical elasticity are better, but the horizontal stretch performance is not as good as double-sided cloth, moisture absorption. Used for making intimate clothing, breathable, soft, comfortable to wear