Vestis scientia textilia

ad artifices et designers

6 genus varietatum et notarum Cottonii textilia

Tessera bombacio est textura e bato facta. Fabricae Cottonianae cum praestantia opera facienda ut fiat una e usitatis fabricae, late in textis vestimentis, textis ornatae et fabricae industrialibus. Cum in altissimam evolutionem processus textilis imprimendi et tingendi, variae fabricae bombicis magis magisque locupletae sunt, species et effectus et gradus etiam meliores pergunt. Ob fibrarum chemicarum evolutionem, evolutionem fibrarum chemicae genus xylinum, longitudo eius (vulgo 38mm, fere 38mm), densitas lineae (vulgo 1.5 D vel sic) et aliae physicae proprietates secundum exigentias processus nerei xystici, puri. sphearae instrumenti sphearae vel mixtae cum fibris bombicis, fabrica talium fibrarum et textilia bombicis collective referuntur ad fabricas bombycinas.

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Guidance of Fabric Printing Process

An ordinary piece of clothing needs to be different. The printing process is the key. With a variety of prints on an otherwise ordinary fabric, the style and the look of the garment takes on a completely different feel.

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2023 Holiday Print Trends

From brooding modern gothic prints to ocean-inspired prints, alternative trends are on the rise. As consumers continue to seek out solid pieces that can be worn for several seasons, take care to balance personalised designs with commercial favourites.

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acetate print fabric

What is the triacetate?

it looks like silk at first glance, with its own delicate pearlescent sheen, but it’s better cared for than silk and is fresher and more comfortable to wear.With a recommendation like that, you’ll be able to guess this summer-ready fabrictriacetate.

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2024 fashion trends

Dream GardenWomen’s Dresses Pattern Trends

Floral is an eternal theme in the design of dresses. Whether now or in the future, the floral element is a hot topic in the fashion circle, and designers will extract the available elements according to the market trends in each season, and design popular floral patterns through the combination of floral elements and trends to meet the current ones. Or through the abstract expression, the depiction of writing, the combination of flower varieties, the stitching of size, each different attempt and details of carving, can make the floral pattern in the fashion trend constantly flowing fresh blood.

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digital print

Duplex postesque digital reactivum processum excudendi

In digitalis impressionibus, sive inkjet impressio directa sit dyestufforum in fabricas polyester dispersas, sive translatio typographica post imprimendi, vel inkjet imprimendi in fibra naturalia, sicut bombacio, lino, serico et lana, industria typice inkjet imprimendi unico latere utitur.

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spinning processes

13 nere processuum

In hac statione, scies 13 processuum lanarum ut infra:13 processuum lanarum, Orbis tinctum in tinea, netum sine moto fusis,Free spheara in mediterraneo, ir-fluentia tincta in mediterraneo, Static tinctum in mediterraneo, Vortex Spinning, Aer-jet nere in mediterraneo, attritus in mediterraneo, Pulvis cavea lana.

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