Vestis scientia textilia

ad artifices et designers

Fines et Methodi Fabrica Consummatio

Printing and dyeing processing after finishing content can be summarised as two aspects, on the one hand, focus on improving and playing all kinds of fibres inherent performance, such as fabric moisture absorption, softness, gloss, size stability, dyeing fastness improvement, etc., through a certain finishing (such as stenter, shrinkage, rolling light, etc.), the excellent characteristics of all kinds of fibres fully displayed; on the other hand, focus on giving fibres new performance, such as flame retardant, water Waterproof, mould and moth resistant, UV resistant, easy to stain, etc. These properties are not available in all types of fibres, only through finishing to obtain the desired results.

Generally the former type of finishing called general finishing, and the latter type of finishing called special finishing or functional finishing. At present, the latter type of finishing has increased significantly, which has fully revealed the importance of finishing.

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Introductio ad tingendas et conficiendas fabricas

Fabrica a tincto post texendo vel conexo in molendino textili vel connexione fabricata vulgo ad fabricam griseam refertur. Ut semi-perfectum opus in textili et vestis processus processus, fabricae in tingendis ac conficiendis plantis discursum est ad curationem, tingendum, imprimendum et perficiendum ad certas species, sensus et functiones requisita, antequam indumentum adhiberi potest. fabricae seu distributio textile intra forum. Ad praetractationem, tingendam, imprimendam et perficiendam fabricarum seriem ad processuum referimus, qui collective ad tingendum et consummandum referuntur.

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A collection of causes and solutions for colour differences in cotton reactive printing

Most cotton fabrics are printed using reactive dyes. Improving the success rate of cotton reactive printing and controlling the colour difference within a reasonable range are important for improving production efficiency, saving energy and reducing production costs significantly. This paper summarises and analyses the factors that can easily cause colour difference in the production process according to the production practice and gives the corresponding control measures.

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Quomodo zizania notae et mortuae in textilia in antecessum incisuras prohibeant

The general dyeing and finishing process is as follows:
Cloth preparation → head sewing → drop tank boiling and bleaching → dyeing → soaping → colour fixing → soft → out of the tank → dewatering → dry cloth, while the formation of fine wrinkles is mainly in the dyeing tank, in the dewatering machine, in the pile cloth car ….
Because a meter of cloth from the yarn to the finished product, after too many links, each link quality control is not done well, there is a risk of producing substandard fabrics.

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X communi fabricae artificiosae consummationis

Finitis effectus est dare fabricam colori, effectum formare (glossy, suede, ue, etc.) et effectus actualis (immeabilis, non senti- tus, non ferrum, non tinea, flamma resistentia, etc.) cf. tractatio technica, peractio fabricae est per methodum chemicam vel physicam principalem ad meliorem speciem ac sensum fabricae, augendae ad perficiendum vel speciales notas processus tradendum, textile est. “icing on the cakeprocess.

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Printing process and flow of fabric

Printed fabric in the apparel industry is a large category, the following links and processes can be devided to many process and relative process, this time I will list the usual we use in gereneral to do a post and share out

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What fabrics are suitable for digital printing

Today I came to discuss with you the content of which fabrics are suitable for digital printing, in the textile digital printing industry, there are some textiles meet printing machine nozzle will appear off line, causing damage.

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