패션 비즈니스 101: 필수 개념, 전략 및 모델 설명

Fashion is a dynamic and ever-changing industry, with many different concepts, strategies, and business models to understand. Here is a closer look at some of the essential concepts and strategies for success in the fashion business:



Trend Forecasting

Trend forecasting involves analyzing current and future trends in the fashion industry, including styles, colors, materials, and consumer preferences. This helps fashion brands to stay ahead of the curve and create designs that will appeal to their target market.

Brand Identity

Brand identity refers to the unique image, personality, and values that a fashion brand projects to its customers. This includes elements such as logos, advertising, packaging, and store design.

Supply Chain Management

Supply chain management involves managing the flow of materials, products, and information from suppliers to manufacturers to retailers. Effective supply chain management is crucial for ensuring quality, efficiency, and profitability in the fashion business.


Fast Fashion

Fast fashion is a business strategy that involves producing trendy, low-cost garments quickly and at high volumes. This strategy allows fashion brands to respond quickly to changing trends and offer affordable options to consumers.

지속 가능한 패션

Sustainable fashion is a strategy that emphasizes ethical and environmentally friendly practices in the fashion industry. This includes using eco-friendly materials, reducing waste, and promoting fair labor practices.

Luxury Fashion

Luxury fashion is a strategy that emphasizes exclusivity, high-quality materials, and premium pricing. Luxury fashion brands target high-end consumers who value quality, craftsmanship, and prestige.

Business Models

Direct-to-Consumer (DTC)

The direct-to-consumer business model involves selling products directly to customers through online or physical retail channels. This model allows fashion brands to bypass traditional retail middlemen and has more control over the customer experience.


Wholesale is a business model that sells products in bulk to retail stores or other intermediaries. This model allows fashion brands to reach a wider audience and benefit from economies of scale.


Subscription is a business model that involves offering products regularly, typically through a monthly or quarterly subscription service. This model allows fashion brands to create loyal customers and generate recurring revenue.


Understanding the fashion industry’s essential concepts, strategies, and business models is crucial for success. There are many different approaches to the fashion business, from trend forecasting and supply chain management to fast fashion and luxury fashion. By understanding these concepts and choosing the right strategies and business models for their brands, fashion entrepreneurs can set themselves up for success.


Here are some frequently asked questions about the essential concepts, strategies, and business models in the fashion industry:

  1. What is trend forecasting in the fashion industry?

Trend forecasting involves analyzing current and future trends in the fashion industry, including styles, colors, materials, and consumer preferences.

  1. What is sustainable fashion?

Sustainable fashion is a strategy that emphasizes ethical and environmentally friendly practices in the fashion industry, such as using eco-friendly materials and promoting fair labor practices.

  1. What is direct-to-consumer (DTC) in the fashion industry?

Direct-to-consumer is a business model that sells products directly to customers through online or physical retail channels, allowing fashion brands to bypass traditional retail middlemen.

  1. What is the difference between fast fashion and luxury fashion?

Fast fashion is a business strategy that produces trendy, low-cost garments quickly and at high volumes, while luxury fashion emphasizes exclusivity, high-quality materials, and premium pricing.

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