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중국 의류 제조의 지속 가능성: 모범 사례와 과제

소비자들이 환경 친화적이고 윤리적으로 생산된 의류를 요구함에 따라 의류 산업에서는 지속 가능성이 점점 더 중요해지고 있습니다. 중국 의류 제조업체는 지속 가능한 관행을 채택하기 위한 조치를 취하고 있지만 여전히 극복해야 할 과제가 있습니다. 이 기사에서는 중국 의류 제조 분야의 지속 가능성에 대한 모범 사례와 과제를 살펴보겠습니다.

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지속 가능한 패션의 부상: 트렌드가 친환경 스타일로 이동하는 방법

In recent years, sustainable fashion has become a growing trend in the fashion industry. With consumers becoming more conscious of the environmental impact of their clothing choices, many brands are shifting towards eco-friendly and sustainable production methods. Here’s a look at how the rise of sustainable fashion is impacting the industry and shifting trends towards eco-friendly styles.

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공급망 혁신: 직물 무역 회사와 직물 소싱의 이점

Sourcing fabrics is a critical part of the textile manufacturing process, and it can be challenging to find the right fabrics at the right prices. Working with a fabric trading company can help manufacturers streamline their supply chain, reduce costs, and access a wider range of fabrics. This article discusses the benefits of sourcing fabrics with a fabric trading company and how it can revolutionize your supply chain.

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패션 혁명: 기술이 주입된 직물의 미래

The fashion industry is increasingly turning to technology-infused textiles to promote sustainability and reduce its environmental impact. From recycled materials and smart textiles to 3D printing, innovations in sustainable fabrics and manufacturing processes are creating a more eco-friendly future for fashion. The adoption of circular economy models and the use of digital tools and software are also helping brands optimize their supply chains and reduce waste. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see even more exciting developments in the world of sustainable fashion, leading to a more efficient and responsible industry.

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디지털 인쇄

The double-sided digital reactive printing process

In digital printing, whether it is direct inkjet printing with disperse dyestuff on polyester fabrics, or transfer printing after printing, or inkjet printing on natural fibre fabrics such as cotton, linen, silk and wool, the industry generally adopts single-sided inkjet printing.

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디지털 인쇄

The development of China’s printing industry

The 30-year development process of China’s printing technology has seen a second leap forward, with frequent technical activities contributing to the technological progress of the printing industry. The article presents a few forward-looking thoughts on the development of fabrics, digital rod-ink printing and special printing.

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디지털 인쇄

The use of printing and dyeing in design

By applying printing dyeing is applied to the design of garment fabrics, not only can the distinctive personality of the garment be fully displayed, but also can give the garment fabrics a deeper artistic technical connotation. Nowadays, garment fabric design and garment design have been more and more closely combined, and various kinds of fabric treatment techniques countless

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향후 기사 구독

이 스테이션은 내 개인 백과사전이며, 일반적으로 인쇄 직물 관련 정보가 여기에 있을 것이라는 우려를 개발합니다.
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》드레스의 패션 트렌드
》브랜드 뉴스
》섬유 산업 뉴스

》중국 의류 수출 뉴스
》내 활성 개발 샘플
》관심 있는 경우 무료 최신 샘플

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