Kain Katun 97% Katun 3% Spandex 125 gsm

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The front side of the material has a silky soft texture, which gives a shiny appearance and a slightly stiff but still soft body feel. Being a fairly stiff material, it is also fairly taut in the warp and weft directions, with some stretch and stretch along the diagonal lines.
This is a good everyday fabric with a strong longevity. It can show occasional wear, but if the edges are closed, then this material will last longer. We recommend using it for bags and garments so that it will last for years. It is also very suitable for furniture and interior accessories.


Start your own custom fabric, print your unique pattern, create a unique fabric for your project your fabric business or even your clothing brand. Print your art and patterns on over 100+ fabrics such as canvas, cotton, polyester, chiffon, etc. with different properties, structures and uses, all handmade with no minimum requirements and ready in 1-2 days.

Informasi tambahan


97% Cotton 3% Spandex





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200+ Kain

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Waktu Produksi 2-15 Hari

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