Kain modal kitin

Kategori ,


Is a with AAA antibacterial technology, the use of infrared external heat efficiency machine features absorption effect, resulting in denaturation of microbial proteins, enzyme failure, change DNA, to achieve the effect of antibacterial textiles, moisture absorption, breathable, comfortable to wear, fabric texture good feel, smooth and soft carefully manufactured, texture visible weaving process excellent, naked feel comfortable, no binding sense on the body, and the body fit high.


Mulai kain kustom Anda sendiri, cetak pola unik Anda dan buat kain unik untuk proyek bisnis kain Anda atau bahkan merek pakaian Anda.

Informasi tambahan


Chitin modal


160 gsm


180 cm

Nomor Desain


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  • Seluler: (0086) 136 75780407

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