Pengetahuan tentang kain garmen

untuk produsen dan desainer

Sesuaikan Mode Anda: Kain Asetat dengan Cetakan Pola yang Dipersonalisasi

Acetate fabric with personalized pattern prints offers unique fashion styles and high-quality materials. Its smooth surface and ability to absorb dyes make it ideal for printing. Sustainable fashion is a priority, and using eco-friendly materials and processes can reduce negative impact. Reformation and other leading brands use personalized pattern prints on acetate fabric to create distinctive and environmentally responsible designs. The future of personalized pattern prints on acetate fabric looks bright with a growing focus on sustainability and unique fashion. Technology enables designers to create innovative and sustainable fashion products with custom pattern prints on acetate fabric.

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Standar Pemeriksaan Kualitas Kain Dan Cacat Berdasarkan Gambar

The raw material to the fabric link, need to go through slicing, weaving, dyeing, printing, post-treatment and dozens of links, each link of quality control is not up to standard may be reflected in the finished fabric above, so in the inspection process to identify a variety of inferior products is particularly important, this article from the source, for you to list each link may appear in the fabric inferior products

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Apa itu Serat Teratai

With the improvement of people’s quality of life, people’s needs for textile products are becoming more and more diverse. In order to adapt to people’s diverse needs, Hangzhou patternvvip Co., Ltd. has produced a fibre with anti-heat, anti-bacterial and anti-UV functions, Lotus Fibre, based on many years of research and application of textile materials.

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Tujuan Dan Cara Finishing Kain

Printing and dyeing processing after finishing content can be summarised as two aspects, on the one hand, focus on improving and playing all kinds of fibres inherent performance, such as fabric moisture absorption, softness, gloss, size stability, dyeing fastness improvement, etc., through a certain finishing (such as stenter, shrinkage, rolling light, etc.), the excellent characteristics of all kinds of fibres fully displayed; on the other hand, focus on giving fibres new performance, such as flame retardant, water Waterproof, mould and moth resistant, UV resistant, easy to stain, etc. These properties are not available in all types of fibres, only through finishing to obtain the desired results.

Generally the former type of finishing called general finishing, and the latter type of finishing called special finishing or functional finishing. At present, the latter type of finishing has increased significantly, which has fully revealed the importance of finishing.

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Keunggulan Dan Sifat Kain Asetat

Today we’re talking about a premium fabric: acetate.In recent years, it has become one of the most sought-after fabrics for spring and summer, and is often seen on the catwalks of Celine, Marc Jacobs, Alexander Wang and Acne Studios.

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Pengetahuan tentang Serat Lycra

Salah satu dari banyak serat baru yang sering ditemukan dalam daftar komposisi kain pakaian adalah Lycra. Apa itu Likra? Dan apa kelebihan dan kekurangannya? Kami akan menjelaskan secara rinci dalam artikel ini.

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Introduction to the dyeing and finishing of fabrics

The fabric formed by the yarn after weaving or knitting in a textile mill or knitting factory is generally referred to as grey fabric. As a semi-finished product in the textile and clothing processing process, the fabric is processed in dyeing and finishing plants for pre-treatment, dyeing, printing and finishing to achieve a certain appearance, feel and functional requirements before it can be used as clothing fabric or enter the textile distribution market. We refer to the pre-treatment, dyeing, printing and finishing of fabrics as a series of processes, which are collectively referred to as dyeing and finishing.

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