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18 kinds of common woven fabrics

Fabric is a big category, there are outdoor sports fabrics, there are also clothing fabrics, clothing fabrics according to different seasons and can be distinguished from hundreds of different specifications. Today, we will briefly introduce 18 kinds of common woven fabrics

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Koleksi variasi kain rajutan lusi

Kain rajutan lusi sering dibuat dari poliester, nilon, polipropilen, dan filamen sintetik lainnya sebagai bahan baku, tetapi juga dengan kapas, wol, sutra, rami, serat kimia dan benang campurannya sebagai bahan baku untuk menenun. Kain rajutan lusi biasa sering ditenun dengan organisasi rantai jalinan, organisasi datar warp, organisasi satin warp, organisasi diagonal warp dan sebagainya. Kain rajutan lusi mewah, berbagai jenis kain jaring umum, kain terry, kain lipit, kain mewah, kain pelapis pakan, dll. permeabilitas udara, dll., tetapi ekstensi lateral, elastisitas dan kelembutannya tidak sebaik kain rajutan pakan.

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Shaping process of fabric

Shaping machine is a machine for shaping textile products. Shaping machine can be divided into: yarn shaping machine, sock shaping machine, fabric shaping machine, curtain shaping machine, spandex covered yarn shaping machine, silk shaping machine, garment shaping machine, suit shaping machine, etc.

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The three main methods of identifying textile fabrics

Textile fabric identification can be mainly from three latitudes, textile fabric composition, textile fabric front and back and warp and weft, textile fabric appearance quality, through the three major directions to identify, can help fabric buyers find good fabric at good prices. Below, I introduce the specific methods of the three categories of identification method in detail, learn to point

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Apa itu kain twill dan satin polos

Dalam satu siklus jaringan lengkap, setiap benang lusi atau benang pakan hanya mempunyai satu titik jaringan lusi dan sisanya merupakan titik jaringan pakan; atau jaringan yang hanya memiliki satu titik jaringan pakan dan sisanya merupakan titik jaringan lungsin disebut jaringan primer.

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How to test a piece of fabric good or bad

Cloth types are divided into four categories based on a scoring system that grades each roll’s quality. Rolls exceeding the score limit are second class, while batches with an average score surpassing the limit fail inspection. A formula calculates the score per 100 square yards, ensuring fair evaluation of different fabric seals. These measures guarantee high-quality cloth is sold, giving customers confidence in their purchases.

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Knowing fabrics from count and density

Many people outside the industry, including those who have just entered the industry may not be clear, those who sell very expensive fabrics, in the end, where is expensive? Today, I will say, the fabric sold expensive, is expensive in what. First of all, we need to understand several professional words. The fabric count, density, and the impact of the thickness of the yarn on the fabric. So how can you tell a good fabric? Here is some simple knowledge of count and density.

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