Pengetahuan tentang kain garmen

untuk produsen dan desainer

How designers create their own brands

A very hot topic to talk about today is one of the last places designers belong: creating their own clothing brand. I think this is what most students and designers dream of, right? A soldier who doesn’t want to be a general is not a good soldier, and a hero who doesn’t want to sit on a mountain is naturally not a hero, right?

In the end, few designers can successfully create their own brand (designers are originally stronger than creativity and weaker than business), so it is not an easy task, the most important thing to start.

So the question is, how to start your own brand in the end?

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9 problems thinking about Online clothing not do well

As the most mature segment of online development, clothing e-commerce is also facing the impact of change, the rapid development of clothing e-commerce under the exposure of some problems. In addition to what we often say in the mouth of the live e-commerce, private domain traffic and other aspects, back to the essence: online stores, how to deal with the problem, and what is worthy of attention to think about?

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55 Apparel Design Practical Experience

Fashion designer is a fusion of skills in many aspects of the position, the actual work needs to take into account too many factors, such as fabrics, such as market research, such as layout, etc., in which I contacted the excellent designer to do a summary of some of the skills used

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Apa gaya pakaian yang elegan?

Dulu saya mengira Prada dan Dior diperuntukkan bagi wanita anggun kelas atas untuk berbusana, memang benar waktu tidak hanya bisa membuat orang menjadi dewasa, tapi juga membuat orang kehilangan sebagian besar awal dari dirinya. Dalam hal ini, Chanel, merek berusia seabad, telah menang dan mempertahankan semangat jiwa kelapa.

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What are the selling points of clothing items

If you have been in a garment company for a long time, you will often hear the wordselling point”.
As long as the commodity department, marketing department, especially the sales department is present to review the version, the wordselling pointmay appear dozens of times.
This is also our design department and the sales department, in the review of the version of the controversial.
Very often, what designers understand asselling pointsand what sales understand asselling pointsare different.
Some designers believe that thedesign pointis theselling point”.
Then the question arises, the design point, must be the same as the selling point?

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Garment 24 printing and dyeing process

Printing and dyeing are not separate. As a qualified designer, it is necessary to master various printing and dyeing processes related to garments so that they can be flexibly applied to various styles and fabrics to enhance the design depth. This article is divided into two sections of printing types and dyeing types.

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