Calculation of fabric cost

Fabric costs = raw material costs + weaving costs + dyeing and printing finishing costs + inspection and packaging costs + tax + losses in various areas,
(In this article, the individual costs are calculated in RMB)

Koleksi variasi kain rajutan lusi

Kain rajutan lusi sering dibuat dari poliester, nilon, polipropilen, dan filamen sintetik lainnya sebagai bahan baku, tetapi juga dengan kapas, wol, sutra, rami, serat kimia dan benang campurannya sebagai bahan baku untuk menenun. Kain rajutan lusi biasa sering ditenun dengan organisasi rantai jalinan, organisasi datar warp, organisasi satin warp, organisasi diagonal warp dan sebagainya. Kain rajutan lusi mewah, berbagai jenis kain jaring umum, kain terry, kain lipit, kain mewah, kain pelapis pakan, dll. permeabilitas udara, dll., tetapi ekstensi lateral, elastisitas dan kelembutannya tidak sebaik kain rajutan pakan.

What kind of fabric quotation that apparel customers like

A quotation is a business practice document that is used as a vehicle for quotations from suppliers to customers and is often used to respond to customer inquiries.
As a medium of price exchange, it has gone far beyond its literal meaning, indirectly relating to the customer’s impression of you and your company’s professionalism, with a very profound roleto help you speak.