Les concepteurs grandissent 9 ne le font pas, mon expérience personnelle

Although I share a lot of professional dry goods, in practice, the wrong design and work habits, resulting in the wrong direction, more likely to limit your growth and improvement.

Table des matières

Don’t be too slow

In the business of design, you must focus on developing your sensitivity to things. To people, to things, to things. When you really have a feeling in your heart, your design level will definitely go up to the N level.

Sluggish sensibility, can not do design.

Don’t be afraid of this and that

Do not be afraid to do design. For example, don’t be afraid to leave a void in the style design, the more textured the design, the more you need to leave a void. For example, do not be afraid to put two completely unrelated design elements together, perhaps put together, you will find a very different surprise.

In short, don’t be afraid to build innovation on rules. The more timid you are, the more traditional you become

Don’t have inertia thinking

As a designer, you must have an accepting mind. You can’t treat new ideas and phenomena with preconceived inertia. To learn to put themselves in, to accept, to think, thinking must be open to.

Don’t rush into it.

Learn to communicate, interact and cooperate with people. I’ve seen many designers who are too poor in this area, especially design assistants. To figure out the intentions of colleagues, superiors, collaborators, do not rush to do it, think about what they need you to show, understand and then conceptualize your ideas.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if this aspect is poor, it will affect the whole career.

Don’t be a loner

Talk more with other people about your designs, your ideas. This is really not a nonsense. Your superiors, colleagues, friends, even subordinates, can become the object of communication. The human mind is single and linear. You have one more object of communication, the dimension of your thinking is one more three-dimensional.

If you don’t want to be hit by the lower dimension, try to ascend the communication, try to be enlightened.

Don’t be afraid of annoying people

Before doing things and others to communicate more, said no requirements to guide him (her) to say requirements. After finding the key requirements, find a reference chart or something else to show him or her to determine if it is the same as you understand. Try to communicate more, don’t be afraid to annoy each other, don’t wait for problems to arise before making up for them. But, it must be after you have thought carefully and the result must be reached.

Usually people who do things in place are more or less a bit annoying.

Do not work behind closed doors

As a designer, you have to spend more time to study other companies, other brands, other

Pain Pain

Pain Pain

Salut, je suis Pan Pan, le fondateur de BoloTex, je dirige une usine en Chine qui fabrique du tissu imprimé depuis 10 ans maintenant, et le but de cet article est de partager avec vous les connaissances liées au tissu d'un chinois point de vue du fournisseur.

Démarrez votre entreprise en petit MOQ Avec tissu imprimé personnalisé

TISSU : 200+

MOQ : 100 mètres par conception

LIVRAISON : 5-12 Jours

MATIÈRE : Polyester, Coton, Acétate, Soie ……

DESSINS : Des millions disponibles

Essayez d'importer Vente chaude Tissu de Chine

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