Conocimiento de tejidos para prendas de vestir.

para fabricantes y diseñadores

Digital printing technology allows designers to combine the needs of the human body with the appearance of the garment, ideally configuring the size and position of the pattern, creating high precision digital printed fabrics, applying the fabrics to the garment in one application or in a second design, trying every possible way to enhance the final expression of the design and make the garment more artistic.

Aplicación de tejidos digitales en prendas de vestir.

Digital printing technology allows designers to combine the needs of the human body with the appearance of the garment, ideally configuring the size and position of the pattern, creating high precision digital printed fabrics, applying the fabrics to the garment in one application or in a second design, trying every possible way to enhance the final expression of the design and make the garment more artistic.

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Moda ecológica: el auge de los tejidos digitales en la industria de la moda sostenible

Digital printing technology allows designers to combine the needs of the human body with the appearance of the garment, ideally configuring the size and position of the pattern, creating high precision digital printed fabrics, applying the fabrics to the garment in one application or in a second design, trying every possible way to enhance the final expression of the design and make the garment more artistic.

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Printed products containing patchwork patterns


The number of printed fabric products in China’s design landscape is large, but there are currently some misconceptions about the examination of such products. The current method of submitting images also has limitations for the fast-growing category of printed products. This paper analyses these misconceptions and limitations, both in terms of the printing process and design, in order to explore ways to better protect such products in the future.

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Impresión digital

Tecnologías clave en la personalización masiva de prendas de vestir

La personalización masiva de prendas no sólo requiere un cambio en el modelo de producción, sino que también requiere una serie de nuevas tecnologías que soporten la personalización masiva. Las tecnologías clave en la personalización masiva, como la tecnología de medición del tipo de cuerpo, “personalizado” clothing design technology, clothing variant design technology, digital printing technology and clothing bywork technology, etc., are analyzed.

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El desarrollo y modo del arte de la tela azul de Nantong.

A través de diferentes etapas del análisis en profundidad del desarrollo del arte del calico azul de Nantong, se resume la situación de exploración, hereda y lleva adelante el desarrollo estratégico del sistema del arte del calico azul de Nantong, es decir, debe adherirse al desarrollo de la industrialización, el desarrollo emergente y el desarrollo sostenible, por lo que solo puede hacerlo. El calicó azul de Nantong lleva adelante el arte artesanal tradicional chino, el coruscato le da nueva vitalidad.

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6 estampados de tendencias principales

There are many elements can be used for pattern. we will list 6 styles as below.Combine paisley print elements.Digital Gradient.Large-spotted flowers.Watercolor Flowers.Collage tropical pattern.Retro Revival

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