Conocimiento de tejidos para prendas de vestir.

para fabricantes y diseñadores

synthetic fibres

Clasificación e introducción de 12 fibras sintéticas.

Las fibras sintéticas son fibras químicas hechas de polímeros lineales sintéticos de peso molecular adecuado y propiedades solubles (o fusibles), que se hilan, se les da forma y se tratan posteriormente. A diferencia de las fibras naturales y artificiales, la producción de fibras sintéticas no está limitada por las condiciones naturales. Además del rendimiento general superior de las fibras químicas, como alta resistencia, peso ligero, fácil de lavar y secar, buena elasticidad, no temen al moho ni a las polillas, etc., las diferentes variedades de fibras sintéticas tienen ciertas propiedades únicas.

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Impresión digital

Mejorar la impresión con toallitas húmedas y secas Elementos clave

Users are now demanding more and more from digital direct printing, including its versatility, resistance to friction and high colour fastness. The degree of fading of digital direct printing when subjected to external factors (squeezing, rubbing, washing, rain, exposure, impregnation, etc.), such as good colour fastness, makes the textile less likely to lose colour during use.

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coating print

Recubrimientos en impresoras digitales de inyección de tinta.

The traditional printing methods used in printing and dyeing industry are reactive dyes, disperse dyes, acid dyes and coating direct printing; among them, reactive dyes, disperse dyes and acid dyes printing are commonly used by the majority of printing and dyeing manufacturers because of their printing patterns with bright colors, full colors, soft fabric feel and clear pattern outline; many foreign trade orders also add some special requirements, such as chlorine bleaching resistance, oxygen bleaching resistance, dry cleaning resistance, etc.. Therefore, we must use the latest technical means to adapt to the requirements of the market, otherwise a very passive situation will be formed and the development of the industry will be hindered. In this case, people will naturally think of non-polluting or less polluting printing method a coating printing.

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Innovative combination of digital printing and traditional tie-dye techniques

La combinación de impresión digital y tie-dye

In order to combine the traditional Chinese tie-dye technique with digital printing technology for textile and clothing, and to design modern digital printing patterns that match the corresponding characteristics of tie-dye, the advantages, disadvantages and the need to combine tie-dye and digital printing are analysed. The advantages, disadvantages and necessity of combining tie-dye and digital printing at this stage are analysed, as well as the significance and development prospects of combining the two techniques. The innovative combination of digital printing and traditional tie-dye techniques is used in apparel, home textiles and fabrics. This combination will, to a certain extent, open up a new aesthetic market and promote the development of digital printing and traditional tie-dye techniques, providing a reference for innovative product development.

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Impresión digital

El desarrollo de la industria gráfica de China

The 30-year development process of China’s printing technology has seen a second leap forward, with frequent technical activities contributing to the technological progress of the printing industry. The article presents a few forward-looking thoughts on the development of fabrics, digital rod-ink printing and special printing.

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Adaptabilidad de la tinta digital sobre tejidos

Las tintas de transferencia de calor son un elemento clave en el campo de la tecnología de transferencia de calor. Para que la tecnología de transferencia de calor sea compatible con diferentes tejidos, se debe estudiar la adaptabilidad reológica y de impresión de las tintas aplicadas a la superficie de la base del papel. La transferencia de tintas que se pueden transferir a tejidos de fibras naturales y químicas sobre papel de transferencia y luego sobre el tejido correspondiente. Se analizaron las propiedades reológicas de las tintas de transferencia térmica y se determinó la relación entre la tinta y la imprimibilidad midiendo la densidad de la tinta y el papel de transferencia.

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Innovación de patrones digitales en la ropa

The emergence of digital printing has provided a new way of thinking for textile fabric printing and has contributed to the rapid development of digital inkjet printing in textile fabric printing. This paper summarises the theory of digital printing technology and examines the innovative application of digital printing in garment design.

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silk digital print

Aplicación de tinta ácida en impresión

The digital transfer printing technology and equipment is now available everywhere, and the market for nylon fabric printing mainly uses screen printing, cold transfer printing, digital direct spray printing and several other methods. Flat or circular screen printing is difficult for complex and delicate colour patterns, and there is a lot of effluent in the printing process. Cold transfer printing, which involves wetting the fabric and transferring it at room temperature, is sensitive to the degree of wetness of the fabric during the transfer process and once the degree of wetness changes during the transfer process, the colour difference is often intolerable. Digital direct-jet printing is the direction in which industry colleagues are working. This is done by ink-jet printing acidic inks on sized fabrics, followed by steam evaporation and washing and drying.

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