Conocimiento de tejidos para prendas de vestir.

para fabricantes y diseñadores

¿Qué son las fibras de loto?

With the improvement of people’s quality of life, people’s needs for textile products are becoming more and more diverse. In order to adapt to people’s diverse needs, Hangzhou patternvvip Co., Ltd. has produced a fibre with anti-heat, anti-bacterial and anti-UV functions, Lotus Fibre, based on many years of research and application of textile materials.

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Las ventajas y propiedades de las telas de acetato

Today we’re talking about a premium fabric: acetate.In recent years, it has become one of the most sought-after fabrics for spring and summer, and is often seen on the catwalks of Celine, Marc Jacobs, Alexander Wang and Acne Studios.

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Conocimiento sobre Fibras de Lycra

Una de las muchas fibras nuevas que se encuentran a menudo en las listas de composición de telas para ropa es la lycra. ¿Qué es la licra? ¿Y cuáles son sus ventajas y desventajas? Te lo explicamos en detalle en este artículo.

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9 nuevos tejidos sintéticos para prendas de vestir que debes conocer en 2023

2023 As the new year is approaching, are you thinking of finding some new fabrics to go with your development plan for next year, here are 9 new fabrics, which are Tencel fiber .Sea Island fiber .Modal fiber.made fiber practicality.Acetate .Soy protein fiber.Bamboo fiber.Chrysalis Protein Fibe.Chitin fiber-natural polymer.Milk fleece – the most cost effective fleece fabric

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8 defectos y acciones en el proceso de tejidos

The flat width dyeing and finishing process has the unique advantages of high degree of automation of equipment, complete automatic detection and control means and methods of various technological parameters, continuous production, high production efficiency, low labour cost and stable product quality. It is the preferred printing and dyeing processing means for cellulose fibres and blended and interwoven woven fabrics. However, if the quality, process, technology and operation management are not in place, it is often easy to have batch quality problems, leading to batch rework, increasing quality costs, or in heavy cases, causing inferior products that cannot be reworked and cannot be delivered, seriously affecting the company’s production schedule, economic efficiency and reputation.

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Tres causas del encogimiento de la tela

The smallest shrinkage is synthetic and mixed textiles, followed by woolen fabrics, hemp fabrics, cotton fabrics in the middle, silk fabrics shrinkage is larger, while the largest is viscose fibres, rayon, artificial wool fabrics. Objectively speaking, cotton fabrics are more or less subject to the problem of shrinkage and fading, the key is the finishing behind. Therefore, the general home textile fabrics are pre-shrunk. It is worth noting that after the pre-shrinking treatment is not the same as no shrinkage, but refers to the shrinkage rate control within the national standard 3%-4% clothing, especially natural fiber clothing will shrink. Therefore, when buying clothing, in addition to the quality of the fabric, colour and pattern selection, the shrinkage rate of the fabric should also be understood.

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Resumen de más de 40 telas para prendas de vestir

Fabric has always been a frequently used material in the material arsenal of clothing designers. However, the use of fabrics for clothing is extremely lacking in product design. In recent years in 3C digital products, fabrics combined with plastic materials have started to appear, often used to create a warm, comfortable design language that is very popular with consumers.

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Tipos confusos de fibras recicladas

Recycled fibres are essentially man-made fibres, which are spinnable fibres with different functions and properties obtained through different process treatment methods. The earth’s resources are divided into organic and inorganic matter, organic matter including all living things such as animals and plants, and inorganic matter including metals, minerals, polymers, etc.

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