Conocimiento de tejidos para prendas de vestir.

para fabricantes y diseñadores

Superar los puntos débiles en el abastecimiento de telas en el extranjero: una guía completa

El abastecimiento de telas en el extranjero puede ser un proceso desafiante para las empresas debido a varios puntos débiles. Sin embargo, las empresas pueden superar estos desafíos trabajando con proveedores acreditados, estableciendo protocolos de comunicación claros y realizando la debida diligencia para mitigar los riesgos y garantizar la entrega oportuna de tejidos de alta calidad.

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Cómo maximizar sus ganancias al comprar telas estampadas

As a fashion designer, fabric wholesaler, or clothing retailer, purchasing print fabrics at the right price is crucial to maximizing your profits. However, finding high-quality print fabrics at a reasonable price can be challenging. In this post, I will share some tips on how to maximize your profits when purchasing print fabrics without compromising on quality.

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Una guía de servicios textiles: cómo pueden beneficiar a su negocio de indumentaria

we’ll be exploring 10 different types of fabric services and their benefits, as well as providing 5 tips on how to find a reliable fabric service provider. Whether you’re a manufacturer or designer in the apparel industry, or simply someone who’s interested in learning more about the fabric production process, this post is for you. From fabric sourcing and cutting to dyeing, printing, finishing, and testing, we’ll cover everything you need to know about fabric services and how they can benefit your business. So, let’s dive in!

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Triacetato versus diacetato: qué tela es adecuada para usted

La tela de acetato es una fibra sintética comúnmente utilizada en prendas de vestir y textiles, y ofrece beneficios como resistencia a las arrugas y apariencia brillante. Discutimos las diferencias entre triacetato y diacetato, así como los principales proveedores en China. Considere factores como la calidad, la gama de productos, los precios, los tiempos de entrega y el servicio al cliente al elegir un proveedor.

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Cálculo del costo de la tela.

Fabric costs = raw material costs + weaving costs + dyeing and printing finishing costs + inspection and packaging costs + tax + losses in various areas,
(In this article, the individual costs are calculated in RMB)

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¿Qué tipo de cotización de tela les gusta a los clientes de prendas de vestir?

A quotation is a business practice document that is used as a vehicle for quotations from suppliers to customers and is often used to respond to customer inquiries.
As a medium of price exchange, it has gone far beyond its literal meaning, indirectly relating to the customer’s impression of you and your company’s professionalism, with a very profound roleto help you speak.

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Moda ecológica: el auge de los tejidos digitales en la industria de la moda sostenible

Digital printing technology allows designers to combine the needs of the human body with the appearance of the garment, ideally configuring the size and position of the pattern, creating high precision digital printed fabrics, applying the fabrics to the garment in one application or in a second design, trying every possible way to enhance the final expression of the design and make the garment more artistic.

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