Conocimiento de tejidos para prendas de vestir.

para fabricantes y diseñadores

¿Primero el diseño de prendas o el pedido de telas primero?

Many designers are very confused by this question.

When designing and developing, should we first find a good style chart and then find fabrics to do it? Or do you want to find the fabric first, then find the style to set the model? Is there any rule and method to follow if you don’t want to fight a messy battle? In addition to this question, what to pay attention to when looking for fabrics, there is no method to follow, there is no experience to share?

I can tell you clearly, there is!

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¿Cómo mantener un equilibrio entre el reconocimiento del diseño y el mercado?

In the actual sales, often sell well is partial to the market, the mass of the style. But a do market models, such products a lot, will affect the brand recognition. Plus the brand product price is not low, too much of the market models have pulled down the brand grade suspicion.

Also, the brand’s product terminal image is good, but most of the design models with personality is not sold well.

So the question is, like this situation, how to balance the relationship between design recognition and commercialization? How to keep the brand tone unchanged, but also to keep sales do not pull down?

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¿Puede la diferenciación de las marcas de ropa reflejarse en “moda”?

The power behind fashion is thelatest difference. Although brands cannot keep thenew, they can keep thedifference”.

What we can do is to extract the concept of differentiation from fashion brands, and then transform fashion into people’s habit and become a tradition. Only in this way can the company achieve a long-lasting business and the brand will not die out with time.

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La diferencia entre 6 tipos diferentes de planificación de prendas de vestir

The sales side of clothing, according to different market positioning, there are wholesale, brand, retail, but also wired. All sales are for less inventory and more operation, so how to do clothing planning in different target groups? This article on the comparison of different sales models to analogize the difference between some of the methods of apparel planning segment, so as to achieve differentiation and better to market close contact

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¿Cómo evitar el “muerto” diseño

The word “muerto”, I believe you have heard of it when reviewing drawings and plates, but the more serious impact on the company’s efficiency is actually the result of sales after the product is listed. What is the most afraid of the apparel industry? Large inventory of goods.

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