¿Primero el diseño de prendas o el pedido de telas primero?

Many designers are very confused by this question.

When designing and developing, should we first find a good style chart and then find fabrics to do it? Or do you want to find the fabric first, then find the style to set the model? Is there any rule and method to follow if you don’t want to fight a messy battle? In addition to this question, what to pay attention to when looking for fabrics, there is no method to follow, there is no experience to share?

I can tell you clearly, there is!

Nueve modelos de cómo las marcas de ropa pueden refinar sus genes de diseño

What is the design DNA of a brand? How is it expressed through design?

The design gene of a brand is the addition of some unique values, a unique accent, a unique personality to the style. Tone is something spiritual. The brand DNA includes: sophisticated, brash, radical, active, understated, etc. adjectives, not nouns.

Diseñadores comerciales: 9 competencias profesionales esenciales

Why add the word commercial in front of the designer? It is because of its commercial properties. Of course, if designers can well grasp the commercial attributes, this has a very strong ability to support the future career width, career life and career upward path.