Cómo actuar cuando el patrón de impresión causó deformación

Cómo actuar cuando el patrón de impresión causó deformación

Knitted fabrics because of its fabric characteristics, so the operation in the printing production process, necessarily with the woven fabric printing production process, there are relatively large differences and different. Reasonable and correct printing operation is to ensure and improve the quality and yield of knitted fabric printing key. Sewing head Woven fabric to prevent []

27 tipos de problemas y soluciones de impresión de mortero.

27 tipos de problemas y soluciones de impresión de mortero.

How to solve the flat screen pressure plate print in fabric printing Cause. The color rate at the screen frame joint is too deep; the screen frame is not properly attached to the edge; the viscosity of the color paste is too low. Solution. The color rate at the screen frame joint is too deep, []