Kenntnisse über Bekleidungsstoffe

für Hersteller und Designer

18 Arten gängiger Webstoffe

Fabric is a big category, there are outdoor sports fabrics, there are also clothing fabrics, clothing fabrics according to different seasons and can be distinguished from hundreds of different specifications. Today, we will briefly introduce 18 kinds of common woven fabrics

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Sortenkollektion aus Kettenwirkstoffen

Warp knitted fabrics are often made of polyester, nylon, polypropylene and other synthetic filaments as raw materials, but also with cotton, wool, silk, hemp, chemical fibers and their blended yarns as raw materials for weaving. Common warp knitted fabrics are often woven with braided chain organization, warp flat organization, warp satin organization, warp diagonal organization and so on. Fancy warp knitted fabrics, many kinds of common mesh fabrics, terry fabrics, pleated fabrics, plush fabrics, lining weft fabrics, etc.. Warp knitted fabric has the advantages of good longitudinal dimensional stability, brace, disperse small, not rolled edge, good air permeability, etc., but its lateral extension, elasticity and softness is not as good as weft knitted fabrics.

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Formungsprozess von Stoff

Shaping machine is a machine for shaping textile products. Shaping machine can be divided into: yarn shaping machine, sock shaping machine, fabric shaping machine, curtain shaping machine, spandex covered yarn shaping machine, silk shaping machine, garment shaping machine, suit shaping machine, etc.

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Die drei wichtigsten Methoden zur Identifizierung textiler Stoffe

Textile fabric identification can be mainly from three latitudes, textile fabric composition, textile fabric front and back and warp and weft, textile fabric appearance quality, through the three major directions to identify, can help fabric buyers find good fabric at good prices. Below, I introduce the specific methods of the three categories of identification method in detail, learn to point

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Was ist einfarbiger Twill- und Satinstoff?

Within a complete tissue cycle, each warp or weft yarn has only one warp tissue point and the rest are weft tissue points; or a tissue with only one weft tissue point and the rest are warp tissue points is called primary tissue.

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So testen Sie ein Stück Stoff auf gut oder schlecht

Cloth types are divided into four categories based on a scoring system that grades each roll’s quality. Rolls exceeding the score limit are second class, while batches with an average score surpassing the limit fail inspection. A formula calculates the score per 100 square yards, ensuring fair evaluation of different fabric seals. These measures guarantee high-quality cloth is sold, giving customers confidence in their purchases.

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Stoffe anhand ihrer Anzahl und Dichte kennen

Many people outside the industry, including those who have just entered the industry may not be clear, those who sell very expensive fabrics, in the end, where is expensive? Today, I will say, the fabric sold expensive, is expensive in what. First of all, we need to understand several professional words. The fabric count, density, and the impact of the thickness of the yarn on the fabric. So how can you tell a good fabric? Here is some simple knowledge of count and density.

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